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We added new player(s) to the team. How add new players to my SuperVoiced team or Pre-Game Team?

Simply add the new player(s) to your blue team (master team). Then

Then choose Actions > Order Pro Voicing > Some Players and choose only the player or players that were added. Follow the instructions from there to complete your order, making sure to choose the same order type (SuperVoice or Pre-Game) that you ordered before, and choosing the same announcer you chose with original order.

You’ll get the new player introductions back within 24 hours and those new players will permeate to the blue, red (and gold team if SuperVoice). It is critical that you order new players from the master/blue team. In general, the only reason you should order from the red team (pre-game team) is to order Coaches Intros. When you order from the blue team, once you get them back, they will automatically be added to the Pre-Game (Red) and SuperVoice (Gold) teams as well if applicable.